Here you’ll find resources to help you become familiarized with the biostatistics world, if you are in the advanced stages of your biostatistics journey. For each resource, a link to the website, as well as the time commitment for the resource is provided.

Power and Sample Size for Multilevel and Longitudinal Study Design -Coursera (24 hours)

A five-week online course that covers methods and practical skills for multilevel and longitudinal studies. Examples from real-world studies on behavioural and social science employing multilevel and longitudinal designs are provided. SAS Programming support page for longitudinal studies

SAS Programming support page for longitudinal studies

Practical Time Series Analysis – Coursera (26 hours)

A six-week online course introduces statistical models and practical analysis for time series data. SAS Programming support page for time series analysis

SAS Programming support page for time series analysis

SAS Programming: Academy for Data Science – SAS Virtual LearningEnvironment

Concepts and SAS programming skills for advanced data analysis. Topics include analytical modeling, machine learning, experimentation, forecasting and 3-level Biostatistics courses 3 optimization. This program provides free 30-day trail.